The best way to ensure you get a happy ending with your massage is to ask for one before you begin with your massage. If the girl says ‘we not do that mister’ then try another massage shop, there are many to choose from with several establishments often in the same Soi. Most do deal in extra-curricular activities as many businesses make most of their money from the full service. Remember, prostitution is illegal in many countries so what you are paying for is a massage! Obviously it’s not polite to ask too loudly for a happy ending especially in front of the other girls – ‘ALRIGHT LUV, ANY CHANCE OF A HAND SHANDY WITH THE MASSAGE?’ This could be rather embarrassing for everyone concerned. However, if you prefer a lady boy massage they tend to offer everything, and that’s as you are riding past on your scooter!
If a friend recommends a massage parlour that provides an extended service this will help in your quest as you won’t need to shop around first. Some parlours definitely do not tickle your fancy, the blind massage centre would not take to kindly to being asked ‘Do you give happy endings?’ The general clue here would be that each bed or massage couch is in a public open area and run by a charitable organisation! So look for a parlour with privately screened beds or private rooms if you’re going up market!
If you are a little shy and do visit a naughty massage parlour, the girl will ask you if you want a happy ending or begin massaging you in the nether regions and then stop, seeking your approval. It’s a good idea to ask how much extra this costs before she spills your beans as it’s not good to try negotiating the price after the horse has bolted! Some specialist massage centres can offer all sorts of massage using oils, soap and even a naked girl to lather up and do the business. Again, agree the money side of things before the action commences as you may find yourself with no beer money for the evening.
The most interesting type of massage service recently seen in Pattaya is prostate massage. This would almost certainly end in a rather kinky happy ending as the expert gloved hand titillates and squeezes your G spot, sorry, prostate gland. Apparently there are health benefits too, don’t suppose you’ll find too many likes or photos on Facebook though…